
Showing posts from January, 2011

You know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel when you start to blog about blogging.

There are times that I look over this blog and wonder what the ultimate end of all this "musing" is. There must be some kind of purpose, after all. Were there the combination of no real purpose and me having no conscious knowledge of any purpose, there would then be no significance to thought or action of any kind, for if we are neither striving to obtain some goal in either state of mind, then we are not striving for anything. And if there is no striving, then why are we here? Since there is purpose to our existence, we can then conclude that there is a greater intelligence out there, or a God, because how can there be an intelligent purpose to all things if there is not one that can comprehend the sum of all purpose? And if there is a God, then he would care about the well-being of every creature, including us; were that not the case, He would not be God because all things would not obey him. Since He cares, he would make known our purpose, either explicitly or implic...