non sum qualis eram
Only the very observant will notice that I changed the title of my blog. I did not do so lightly. I don't do anything lightly, I think. It was only a slight change, but it means a lot to me. I've probably deleted several lines of text, and here I am back at the beginning. It is in these moments, when I feel but cannot articulate, that I have the most trouble. I enjoy photography. But it is a mixed pleasure for me. I've made some excellent photos in the recent years, but I have difficulty enjoying them as much as the random observer might enjoy them. You would think that my mental attachments to the photos through the experience of their creation would render me more able to appreciate them and take pleasure in my accomplishment. But sometimes it is quite the opposite. When I look at a photo from a year ago, I remember who I was, and I'd rather be who I am now. It's like the past comes to haunt me through the photographic preservation of things as they used to be, ...