
It has finally come to the point that I deem it literally and metaphorically time to begin this little venture into the blogging world. For many weeks my mind has laboured heavily over my decision of what to write about. It had to be impressive, I thought, so as to attract the masses of the web. But blogs are many, and time is short. Not every voice can be heard by many.

Yet I begin in the face of daunting odds. It is to the subject of beginnings that my thoughts are appropriately drawn. Now for the metaphor. I think of the soil of the earth, from which emerges plants of infinite variety. The dust of space is routinely drawn together to form stars, solar systems, galaxies... Our minds take the chaos of life, the entropy of non-intelligence, and find meaning. What is this miracle that we behold? The miracle of intelligence, of order! Gradually, we take the chaos of life, and we arrange it in such a way that the chaos becomes creation. The universe moves and labors to destroy itself, to uncreate, to reach entropy and chaos. Yet man ever seeks to reach the highest state of existence: to not only maintain his own intelligent existance, but also to move and organize the elements into an intelligent design. As the physical laws of matter constrain the universe to become cold and dark, he seeks to lighten the shadows, to understand, unveil, discover secret places.

It is essential that knowledge is spread among us. We build upon each other. On the shoulders of the greats we rest our assurance of our understanding of the workings of the physical world. On the shoulders of God rest they the glory of it all, which glory manifests itself in the wonder of the worlds, the majesty of infinite space and creation, the brilliance of the sun at noonday, and the miracle of life and its infinite complexities. The love of God is manifest in the great and last sacrifice of His Son. Through reconciliation, understanding is opened, and his Spirit teaches us all things – even the workings of the universe, from the smallest particle to the giant careening bodies of space. In vision of eternity we are left to behold our finite understanding against the backdrop of infinity. We glory in our so called knowledge, but merely observers we are – observers of a glorious reality, whose architect is greater than us all.

On that note, this is the blog: the blog in which you will find the luminiferous, the brilliant. There will be, no doubt, imperfections and entries that one may find lacking some or all the virtues of perfection. But I'm no prodigy. This entry has been spawned by the decomposition of my thoughts into chaos. A rich soil has resulted, promoting the growth of lively thought. From time to time I may require the incineration of the fields of my mind, in order to bring forth a good crop.

It is time to begin... time to sprout from the soil. Good day.


  1. Normally, I comment right after my first reading of a blog entry simply because most blogs don't garner a need for repeated readings to grasp what's being said. Genesis definitely commands extra attention, and I expect that much of what you write will too.

    I keep coming back to your idea that the knowledge we "possess" is merely a collection of our observations. That really what we know is gleaned from God's omnipotence and hand in every aspect of our lives. I always get lost in the idea that we are less than the dust of the earth and that we are also akin to angels. So many possibilities and so many seeming contradictions, and yet it's all up to us to seek light and the brilliant things of the world. Ultimately, it is only us who will be able to account for our beginnings and our middles that, of course, will determine our end.

    So much to think about! Glad you finally found your beginning.


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