Dizzy and Blindfolded to Walking a Tightrope

I took a creative writing class in high school, in which we would daily have time to free-write. The theory was that moving the pen would spark creativity and give us something to write about, even if we were at a block. That's kind of what I'm doing here. What resulted were directionless babblings, sprinkled with flecks of creativity. Now that I think of it, why would anyone care to read my "free-write"? It is probably uninteresting so far. Answer: because it will likely be brilliant.

Or not. This may just be a waste of time, but I'm in one of those moods that compells me to write, even though my thoughts haven't taken a definite form. I should be ecstatic for the sole reason that school is out, but I'm not exactly that. It seems like life is a tricky thing. It may be that we have more things to stress about than we can cope with, so we just pick a few at a time and are never short of supply of them; or there are multiple spickets that turn on and off, but keep a constant quantitative flow, working in harmony to maintain the resistance. It's like seven leaks all around you, but only two hands to stop the leaks. That leaves five leaks in progress at any given time.

Constant resistance may seem like a stinky thing, but would we ever want it any other way? We may think we do, but I think we'd find ourselves miserable without something to push against. It is the constant resistance that keeps us moving forward, because the only other option is to have the resistance crush us. I think of pushing a big rock up a hill. You don't just stand there and hold it in place. That's a waste of time. But if you let go, then it rolls over you, and you become part of the dirt.

The conclusion I've come to is this: if God loves us, then he will ensure that life is difficult. He knows that an easy life would do us little good in our progression toward eternal life. So if life is constantly a struggle, then we can be assured that God is giving us opportunities to be more perfect. If life seems easy then we're not paying attention to the hard things we're supposed to be doing.

Well, there's my free-write. Good day.


  1. Like I told you, this is my favorite thing you've written so far. Though I'm hesitant to agree since I often wish things were easier, I think you're right. God does loves us and does know what we need to learn. I've discovered after periods where there seemed to be a dozen leaks and only my two hands, that I needed those experiences so that I could help someone else later on. I think it's important to remember that we are supposed to be happy amidst the stress - I just think that it's the opposition that the stress creates that helps happy moments mean so much.
    Anywho-- love the "free write" -- well done. Wish there was a grade higher than A~

  2. ps. The little squiggle after the A is just a squiggle. It's not meant to an A-. Just in case you were wondering!

  3. Patrick - it has been way too long since you updated!

  4. so you gave up on the whole blog thing? come back-- you know you want to:)


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