Just words

There are times when I think I've come across some great truth, and in those times I normally write. Presently, however, I've only come across the feeling that there is some great truth to be stumbled upon, but I lack the depth of thought to comprehend it. Blind I wander through a foreign landscape and endeavor to give distinctness to an ethereal idea that may or may not exist. What is this great truth?

This feeling came during my differential equations class. I sat there in an ignorant stupor as the teacher scribbled symbols and numbers on the blackboard. There was a block in my mind, like a plane that can't rise above the clouds. I could sense that there was a greater understanding to be had, but I could not excite the faculties of my mind with my own strength.

During this time, I thought of the many connections and relationships that exist in the math world. It is like a brain, each neuron networked with every other. I would imagine that I would think it beautiful if I could only comprehend it all. Math is logic, and logic and order govern the universe. Everything can be reduced to a formula, but a formula is so limited. For example, we cannot see the force of gravity, but we can predict what it will do. Since our understanding is finite, it seems we must be content with a sort of temporal understanding of the more subtle characteristics of the natural world. The words on the page bring us to comprehend, but never to understand. True understanding would have to come from experience.

The other part of me says that there are no great mysteries in the world, only people who refuse to see, and look "past the mark".


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