
Showing posts from 2011

Cool Video About the Brain Hemispheres

So what do you think? The thought that came to mind is that maybe some schooling tends to suppress the right brain - the intuitive side. I'm studying engineering, and sometimes it becomes difficult to break free from the ultra-rational method of thought and come to an understanding of things in their relationship to one another. Perhaps the flaw with education is that it tries to institutionalize the learning of intuition. Isn't the only real way to understand the world to experience it? Doubtless, there is great value in learning the concrete and compartmentalizing information, but maybe we have tried to shift learning into a spot where it can do both but have only ended up teaching neither adequately. Lately I've become aware of a decreased ability to understand concepts. It has gotten worse over the years of my schooling. Granted, there is the possibility that the material is simply harder to comprehend, but that doesn't explain the more general feeling of a cloud or...

Book Review

This is the latest of the books I've read. It was written in the 50's by Owen Barfield . Somewhere I read that he was a member of "The Inklings", a group of men that included the well-know philologist/author J.R.R. Tolkien. Barfield , like Tolkien to an extent, is a believer that knowledge of people of the past can be derived from their language. The book History in English Words opens to us a sense of the mind of ancient people and also shows the reader the influences of events on the language we speak today. I have to admit, here at the outset, that it took me a great length of time to read this book. It is one of those books that I have to be in the mood to read. Specifically, I have to be in the wordy, etymology mood to really delve into this book. But once I was in, I was truly fascinated by what I read. History in English Words is not simply a book filled with random facts about words that most people don't care about. The book ends up being about th...

Either the smoke is clearing, or this is the onset of premature grumpy old man syndrome.

Sometimes (or maybe not) when we look back on life there are the moments when we can see the smoke clearing from the battlefield, and everything that has occurred in this day of life is revealed in the light of the sun. Why do I say "battlefield"? I say it because that's what life is, isn't it? We are in a constant struggle to obtain some sort of purpose, some ideal end to this world of dust. We put all our efforts to tear down the things that are an evil to our purpose, but we forget sometimes that perfection cannot be created from this gritty material of mortal life. The science of alchemy proved to be hopeless to achieve it's ends, but somehow we think that we can change the stuff of which our world is made into something higher in nature. You can't make gold out of lead (well, not stable gold). What do I see now that the smoke vanishes into the wind? I see desolation. I see the rotted fruits of times past, the empty gaze of the survivors who once held s...

New site

Perhaps it's due to the insatiable desire for the human spirit to attain perfection in its endeavors; perhaps it's the glow of Jupiter's red storm on the rings of Saturn; some say that it's because the changing poles of the earth increase the kinetic energy of nerve signals to the pituitary gland. At any rate, I've made a new website . It's different from this blog because it'll be focusing more on hobbies and technical things, but it seems to be a good outlet for those sort of things. Initially, it was going to replace this site and maybe the others on blogger, but the creation process has left me still wanting to muse less publicly. I don't think there are many that read this blog, and I don't have a problem with that - in-fact, I think I'd prefer that. I think less readers makes me more open to explore abstract thoughts and feelings, whereas a knowledge of many readers of this blog would make me less open and personal. Personal may be a bad th...

Blah blabbady blah

Today, after a couple of hours working I found myself wont for things to do there. It would appear that most of the things I've been working on are ready for a final stage that I have no control over, so I left and called my boss after eating some lunch. He told me he'd get back to me when I explained that the only thing I have left to do is scuff up a front fender to ready it for painting. Tomorrow, as if to make up for a lazy Wednesday, there is probably a day's worth of work to be done on a Toyota Prius - the car for which I harbor the most hate of any car. So today I rest up for now and blog away. Just in case it's not already obvious, I do collision repair. My boss is a religion teacher here at the school, but for 46 years he's been buying totaled cars, fixing them, then selling them. Somehow, I've acquired sufficient knowledge and skills to do this kind of work (or at least enough to convince someone that I can learn this kind of work). It's sati...

You know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel when you start to blog about blogging.

There are times that I look over this blog and wonder what the ultimate end of all this "musing" is. There must be some kind of purpose, after all. Were there the combination of no real purpose and me having no conscious knowledge of any purpose, there would then be no significance to thought or action of any kind, for if we are neither striving to obtain some goal in either state of mind, then we are not striving for anything. And if there is no striving, then why are we here? Since there is purpose to our existence, we can then conclude that there is a greater intelligence out there, or a God, because how can there be an intelligent purpose to all things if there is not one that can comprehend the sum of all purpose? And if there is a God, then he would care about the well-being of every creature, including us; were that not the case, He would not be God because all things would not obey him. Since He cares, he would make known our purpose, either explicitly or implic...