Here we go again
It's been another long time since I've "used" this blog. Isn't that what people do, "use" a blog to elaborate thoughts? Most blogs don't get read much, so the writing isn't for other people. The blog is just a mechanism for people that are too lazy to write with pen and paper (me, increasingly) to organize their thoughts on life, hopefully precipitating out some kind of meaning or improved understanding of what some may call the "human condition". So blogs aren't really an end; they are a means to an end that leaves the blog behind.
My last post was about my new "site" on Since then, it has become obvious that Medium is full of a bunch of pretentious wanna-be intellectuals that push their political propaganda and pleasure themselves (blogsturbating) with what is considered to be wit - but only by nitwits.
If I could put a footnote here, I would make mention of how moronic the wit has become in the writings of stupid people (don't get all triggered. Every 5 years or so, I figure out that I've been a stupid idiot for the past 5 years) that consider themselves writers. 95% of the junk that ends up on these Medium sites probably would end up in the round file cabinet of any respectable publication. This, because the ideas are so poorly though out and so inadequately researched that they should be an embarrassment to the author.
Oh well.
The world is going to Hell in a hand basket. Everybody has their opinion on how to solve the problems. Some think the government is the answer. Others believe in psychedelic drugs and New Age occultism. Others turn to Philosophy, having abandoned the reality of the existence of a God. Science itself has become a sort of idolatrous object of worship, the source of all truth, the solution to all problems, the fountain of joy and fulfillment. However, the Government is always more evil than good, tending toward totalitarianism; mind altering drugs mess people up, and there is no telling whether the visions of an LSD trip are even true; the New Age movement is part of the Satanic conspiracy that has spanned every age of the world's history to enslave mankind; Philosophy arrives at some nice conclusions regarding ethics, but, considered alone, it ignores the spiritual reality that surrounds us.
Finally, science is just a method or a process to confirm or reject a hypothesis. It doesn't exist except as an idea in the mind of man. Therefore, it is highly subject to the whims and preconceptions of people. Two people can analyze the same data set and arrive at totally different - albeit logically consistent - conclusions. An entire ecosystem of false narrative can be constructed by data combined with preconceived world views (example: "evolution"). Then who is right? I don't want to sound preachy, but we can only suppose that God is correct.
If we can assume that God is correct, then what does he say our problems ought to be solved? REPENT!!! That's right. We need not "resist evil"; we only need to march toward righteousness. People march to and fro in a busy frenzy to "fix" all the horrible happenings in this life we share, but we can't fix them. We can't achieve all the Utopian dreams with our mortal strivings - not if we are evil in our hearts. Not if we worship the work of our hands. Not if we profess to love our neighbor and yet wish death on that bad driver in commute traffic. Not if we are lovers of sodomy and fornication. Adulterers at heart. Blasphemers, thieves, liars, and all manner of detestable wretches. And we think that WE will solve the world's problems, that WE with our science and philosophy and drug-induced "love" and self-deifying man-made religions will defeat the evil that roars over us like a tsunami?
Good luck with that. It won't work. It has never worked in the history of the world. John Adams said that the American republic would only work with a moral and God-fearing people, that we needed a nation with "public virtue", or people that give a hoot about their community, state, and country. We have a republic, "if [we] can but keep it". The only solution to enslavement, hunger, genocide, corrupt governments, war, and all other evils is for individuals to turn to God. Only then will our efforts be blessed with success.
The world has forgotten this lesson. We will probably continue to resist evil while retaining a love of sin until the Millennial reign of the Messiah is ushered in at his coming. Until then, the march toward a gender blurred, drug induced, self-worshiping, pornographic, pedophilic, homicidal dystopia will continue unabated.
Nobody is perfect. I am far from it. But at least we know the simple answer is to be good, to turn from evil on an individual level. People living and raising families in righteousness would probably do more to alleviate the evil in the world than any "strategy" man can think of.
On that note, I was just going to say that I'll be using this blog as an easy way to keep writing daily when I don't have the energy for the research required on my new blog/site Ancient Earthlings: From the Anunnaki to the New Age. This one isn't about me at all, so I think it'll stick.
I've learned that people don't care about what I'm doing; they care about ideas (but what about my ideas? Heheh...). In this case, I'm looking to set the record straight on world history. I think we've been fed a narrative that isn't true. We are told that we are evolved from primates, but that doesn't really pan out if you consider the counter-arguments. The rising alternative theory involves Ancient Aliens. Somehow, people find the theory of an Earth anciently seeded by extraterrestrials more compelling and true than scripture. Anyway, it's all connected though. It goes back to before the Great Deluge to the origin of the pagan god mythologies that are actually at the root of evil today. It is all quite interesting.
The plan is to write a book on it in the coming months/years. The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, by Gary Wayne attempts to weave all the historical narratives into one story, but it's my opinion thus far that he misses the mark by just... that... much... Also, a book of the subject needs to be more of a textbook format, but with engaging narration. People need pictures when it comes to ancient history.
That's all for now. I hope this isn't a terrible idea to revive this blog. I already feel a little bit like a pretentious stupid face.
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